Retain the old time 9 retro time home decoration

Time never goes back year after year, and each era has distinctive features. Many things will not come back, including your nostalgia for old objects of old days. If you are particularly fond of objects of a certain age, you may wish to buy home their related decorations and enjoy some leisure time to soothe your nostalgia.

When you see this typewriter, you can imagine yourself in that special era. It is also amazing that the images that are often in the movies will appear in your life. Traditionally, old typewriters did not have computers at all. People typed them like this.

Old-fashioned record players carry the memory of many people. In such a flourishing age, the record player is also one of the classic symbols. Old gramophones and classic vinyl records are a perfect match. The favorite is the phonograph that is like a blooming flower.

Today's sewing machines have been updated for many years. Various electronic products are emerging, but the honest sewing machines still have her unique charm. The sewing machine is now rare, but it always reminds people of the way mother used to step on the sewing machine when he was a child.

When there is no electricity, people use kerosene lamps for lighting. Electricity has provided many conveniences for modern life. The days of using kerosene lamps have become a tributary of time.

The buses of the old era were certainly not as beautiful as the current buses, but they were also the means of transportation that people must use to travel.

Bicycles always seem to be associated with youth. Although there is no such old bike now, its sense of vicissitudes and sense of the age are part of history.

Household goods, household goods purchase

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